Friday, December 4, 2015


It's not easy to put my finger on one thing I will take from my first semester of my freshman year at BYU. What is easy, however, is saying that I can learn from this new experience --- no question. Classes are much harder and it seems like there is less time in the day when there is so much to do. Worries try to cloud your mind and in turn keep you from enjoying each day. I'm not going to let the stress of college overtake the beauty of the experience. Bottom line is... it's a blessing to even be able to attend school here. I will continue to rely on faith and prayers each day -- we all need this to keep pressing forward when times get hard. I know we can all make it through if we keep working hard and pushing through.

Throughout the course of this semester in this class, I've been able to challenge myself. Never before had I written a 10-page research paper! It took lots of time and effort, which all worthwhile things do. When Sister Steadman first said we would be making our own blogs and regularly writing on them I didn't want to do it. I can say I've enjoyed writing this blog, and I know it will be cool to look back on it. I hope I can take what I've learned and continue to grow to be an effective writer. I've experimented with new things and it hasn't been without failure. Writing is all about trying over and over again while getting better with every draft and every correction and revision. I've found that the hardest thing about doing new, challenging tasks is the beginning. Once you get the ball rolling, the momentum will carry you. So, whenever you are stuck, keep going! Then, when you finally get over the hill, jump on the roller coaster and enjoy the ride. Life can have many ups and downs. I've learned this first hand, but it doesn't come without improvement as long as you have the right attitude.

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